Linoleum Flooring

Trade Floors NI stock high quality linoleum specially made for various applications. We can supply and fit anywhere within the UK & Ireland.


Linoleum flooring, or lino as it’s also known, is a great flooring options for a wide range of applications, particularly bathrooms and kitchens. It’s durable, easy to clean and naturally warm, making it a popular low-maintenance flooring solution. Lino is also available in a very wide range of designs and colours, helping it to hide iregularities in your sub-floor. If your sub-floor is not perfect, linoleum can sometime work, where other, more rigid flooring options aren’t viable.

Please browse through our huge range of flooring. You can download PDFs on your selected products and if there are any products that you require that we are not displaying please do not hesitate to contact us.


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